
An atlas is a collection of maps, typically bound into a book, but also found in multimedia formats, that provide detailed information on geographic locations.

In Depth Explanation of Atlas

The term 'atlas' has its origins in the 16th century and was popularized by Gerardus Mercator's 1595 work that featured a collection of maps and was dedicated to the Titan Atlas, who in Greek mythology was known for holding up the sky. The concept of a bound collection of maps predates Mercator, but his works are among the most famous early examples. The term 'atlas' is still very much in use today, although the format has evolved with technological advancements. Modern atlases can be digital and interactive, providing real-time geographical data, unlike their static paper counterparts.

Atlases serve multiple purposes extending beyond simple navigation. They offer geopolitical and social data, illustrating climate patterns, economic activities, and demographic information. Historically significant atlases, like the ones from the Age of Exploration, contributed to the understanding of new lands and sea routes, shaping the course of trade, colonialism, and global interaction. Today, the term encompasses both historical and contemporary collections that serve educational, navigational, and analytical purposes.

A Practical Example of the Atlas

A practical example of an atlas's impact can be seen in the 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum,' created by Abraham Ortelius in 1570. Regarded as the world's first modern atlas, this collection of 53 maps provided unprecedented insights into the world's geography at the time. It revolutionized cartography by compiling existing knowledge into an easy-to-reference book format, making it accessible to scholars, travelers, and merchants. The influence of Ortelius's atlas can be traced through its various editions, each updated with new discoveries, thereby reshaping European understanding of global geography.

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